Back in March of 2006,
Blizzard held a contest that was open to anyone who wanted to participate. The
contest was labeled as "Race to level 50". It was the only known leveling
contest for WoW ever held by Blizzard. Of course at the time when I seen
this contest announcement, it made me think "I have a REALLY good chance of
getting first place". And indeed I did, check out a screenshot when I hit level
Leveling Contest: First to 50...

(click to ENLARGE)
As you can see second place at the time was level
46, then level 42 and so on. I really didn't have much competition since I was
the only one who actually managed to master speed running this game.
The following is a saved forum topic that talked
about that leveling contest. Keep in mind this is not a live forum and
this can only be viewed. Enjoy!