Joana's World - Classic WoW Speed Leveling

Joana's Classic WoW Guides

Joana's Classic WoW Mount Guide

In Classic WoW, mounts become available at level 40 for Classic Era, or 20 for WOTLK and requires two things:  training and the mount itself.  Each race will have its own trainer and vendor for these and they will generally be very close to each other.  You will only be able to buy your race's mounts, but if you have become Exalted with another race, you can then purchase their mounts too.  Following my leveling guide you should generally be about honored with your faction at level 40, but here is a rundown of all the price differences depending on your reputation with your class:

Level 40 Mount (Classic Era only):

Rep Level Discount Training Mount
Exalted 10% 81g 9g
Revered 10% 81g 9g
Honored 10% 81g 9g
Friendly 5% 85.5g 9.5g
Neutral 0% 90g 10g
Unfriendly Cannot buy or sell from NPC    

Level 40 Mount for SoM (or lvl 20 Mount for WOTLK):
For SoM and TBC, mounts are overall half off the total price compared to Era, which is generally 9 gold for training and 36 gold for a mount (45 gold total about).

In WotlK mount training is only 4 gold and mounts are only 1 gold.

Level 60 Mount (Classic Era & TBC):

At level 60, epic mounts become available and they have 100% increased movement speed (level 40 mounts have 60% increased movement speed).  You will need additional training for the epic mount, and the mounts have a much higher cost as well.

Rep Level Discount Training Mount
Exalted 10% 810g 90g
Revered 10% 810g 90g
Honored 10% 810g 90g
Friendly 5% 855g 95g
Neutral 0% 900g 100g
Unfriendly Cannot buy or sell from NPC    

Please note that you can also have another 10% discount on top of your rep discount if you are Rank 3 in PvP.

Level 60 Mount (SoM):

for SoM Level 60 Mounts still have a high cost of 900 gold for a 100% speed mount.

Warlocks and Paladins Get Free Level 40/20 Mounts

Warlock's Level 40 Mount Quest (Classic ERA)
Warlocks are special with mounts because they can obtain their level 40 mount (for Classic ERA) for free by simply doing a Warlock quest called "Summon Felsteed".  There are two different NPCs for both factions that start this quest.  Alliance Warlocks can start theirs from either Briarthorn <Warlock Trainer> in Ironforge or Demisette Cloyce <Warlock Trainer> in Stormwind.  Horde Warlocks can start theirs from either Zevrost <Warlock Trainer> in Orgrimmar or Kaal Soulreaper <Warlock Trainer> in The Undercity.

For WOTLK there is no quests involved, you simply learn your mount from any Trainer at level 20.

Paladin's Level 40 Mount Quest (Classic ERA)
Paladins are only on the Alliance side (but become availble for Horde in TBC for the Blood Elves) and they also can obtain free level 40 mounts (or 30 for TBC) thanks to a quest called "The Tome of Nobility".  This starts from either Arthur the Faithful <Paladin Trainer> in Stormwind or Brandur Ironhammer <Paladin Trainer> in Ironforge.

For WOTLK there is no quests involved, you simply learn your mount from any Trainer at level 20.

Where to find your Mount Trainer/Vendor


Race Zone Riding Trainer Mount Vendor
Troll Durotar (55.76)
(Sen'jin Village)
<Riding Trainer>
<Raptor Handler>
Orc Orgrimmar (69.13)
(Valley of Honor)
<Riding Trainer>
Ogunaro Wolfrunner
<Kennel Master>
Undead Tirisfal Glades (60.53)
Velma Warnam
<Riding Trainer>
Zachariah Post
<Undead Horse Merchant>
Tauren Mulgore (47.58)
(Bloodhoof Village)
Kar Stormsinger
<Riding Trainer>
Harb Clawhoof
<Kodo Mounts>



Race Zone Riding Trainer Mount Vendor
Human Elwynn forest (84.65)
(Eastvale Logging Camp)
Randal Hunter
<Riding Trainer>
Katie Hunter
<Horse Breeder>
Night Elf Darnassus (39.16)
(Cenarion Enclave)
<Riding Trainer>
<Saber Handler>
Dwarf Dun Morogh (64.50)
(Amberstill Ranch)
Ultham Ironhorn
<Riding Trainer>
Veron Amberstill
<Ram Breeder>
Gnome Dun Morogh (49.48)
(Steelgrill's Depot)
Binjy Featherwhistle
<Mechanostrider Pilot>
Milli Featherwhistle
<Mechanostrider Merchant>


Death Knight Abilites/Prep


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Miscellaneous Links:

Joana's 1-60 Vanilla WoW 4 day, 20 hour [WR] Speedrun - Video Trailer
1-60 Speed Run Videos, Images & Info
All my vanilla WoW 1-60 Speedrun Attempts
History & Interview about my WoW speedruns (
Want a copy of the First Ever WoW Leveling guide?

Select Game Version:
 Classic WotLK Selected Classic TBC Selected Classic Era Selected Classic SoM Selected Hardcore:
Not Hardcore Official Hardcore Non-official Hardcore


1-60 Horde  

Starting Zones

 1-12 Durotar
 1-12 Mulgore
 1-12 Tirisfal Glades

Horde 12-20
Horde 20-30
Horde 30-40
Horde 40-50
Horde 50-60


1-60 Alliance  

Starting Zones

 1-13 Elwynn Forest
 1-12 Teldrassil
 1-12 Dun Morogh

Alliance 12-20
Alliance 20-30
Alliance 30-40
Alliance 40-50
Alliance 50-60



60-70 Horde  

Starting Zone

 1-12 Eversong Woods
 12-20 Ghostlands

60-61 Hellfire Peninsula
61-63 Zangarmarsh
63-65 Terokkar Forest
65-67 Nagrand
67-68 Blade's Edge Mtns
68-69 Netherstorm
69-70 Shadowmoon Valley


60-70 Alliance  

Starting Zone

 1-12 Azuremyst Isle
 12-20 Bloodmyst Isle

60-61 Hellfire Peninsula
61-63 Zangarmarsh
63-65 Terokkar Forest
65-67 Nagrand
67-68 Blade's Edge Mtns
68-69 Netherstorm
69-70 Shadowmoon Valley



Death Knight Abilites


70-80 Horde  

Starting Zones

 Death Knight Guide

 70-72 Borean Tundra
 70-72 Howling Fjord

72-74 Dragonblight
74-75 Grizzly Hills
75-77 Zul'Drak
77-78 Sholazar Basin
78-79 Storm Peaks
79-80 Icecrown


70-80 Alliance  

Starting Zones

 Death Knight Guide

 70-72 Borean Tundra
 70-72 Howling Fjord

72-74 Dragonblight
74-75 Grizzly Hills
75-77 Zul'Drak
77-78 Sholazar Basin
78-79 Storm Peaks
79-80 Icecrown



Guide Color Codes:
Accept a quest
Do a quest
Turn in a quest
General mob/item link
Skipped Quest
Video link
##) Numbered on map

AH = Auction Hall
FP = Flight Path
XR = Cross Roads
BB = Booty Bay
CT = Camp Taurajo
STV = Stranglethorn Vale
UC = Under City
SoS = Swamp of Sorrows
TB = Thunder Bluff