Choose Your Class: Warrior Hunter Rogue Warlock None. (other classes coming later)

NOTE: The Rogue steps are not fully implemented yet.

Levels 12-15 Barrens
First Pick the Class you are playing top left of screen!!!

Undead & Tauren Start, Orc & Troll Continue:

NOTE: This section is for Orcs and Trolls only.  Or if you really need to get lvl 14 spells/abilities in Orgrimmar.  And I only recommend doing this if you need to take a break IRL (such as to eat or bathroom break) as the xp/time is barely worth it.  Otherwise skip this and move on to the next section below.

15-16 Stonetalon Mountains

16-20 Barrens

Thunder Bluff

Next Page:  Levels 20-30