Choose Your Class: Warrior Rogue Priest Mage Warlock


1-6 DeathKnell (Tirisfal Glades)
First off, make sure you pick the class you are playing at the top left of the screen.  Also it is important to note that every where you travel, kill all the mobs along the way! You will simply level faster by doing so.

6-10 Tirisfal Glades

NOTE:  While doing this section start working on "The Chill of Death" by kill/looting Duskbats you see along the way:

Mage Level 10 Quest

Rogue Level 10 Quest

Priest Level 10 Quest

Warlock Level 10 Quest

10-12 Tirisfal Glades

Levels 12+ Options
Now you have two options on where to go.  You can go to The Barrens, or you can go to Silverpine Forest (next section below).  Overall I recommend doing Silverpine Forest first as it will allow you to not need to do the 19-20 grind later on.  Silverpine will also make the Barrens a bit easier with some quests such as the harpy quests and the Grimtotem quests at Stonetalon.

If you decide to go to The Barrens right away, then abandon "Delivery to Silverpine Forest" and follow the steps in this section to get to The Barrens.  Otherwise, skip to the Silverpine Forest 12-14 section below.

To The Barrens Only:

Silverpine Forest 12-14

Levels 14-15 Barrens (Undead)

Next Page:  levels 14+, Barrens