Choose Your Class: Warrior Hunter Rogue Priest Shaman Mage Warlock
1-6 Valley of Trials (Durotar)
First Pick the Class you are playing top left of screen!!!

Remember to Choose Your Class At Top of Screen!!!

6-8 Durotar
Remember to Choose Your Class At Top of Screen!!!

8-10 Durotar

Remember to Choose Your Class At Top of Screen!!!

[Hunter] level 10 Class Quests

Crossroads (The Barrens)


[Mage] Orgrimmar / Durotar

[Shaman] 10-12 Durotar

10-12 Durotar


Levels 12-15 Barrens

[Rogue] Levels 12-15 Barrens

Next Page:  levels 12+, Barrens