Joana's World - Classic WoW Speed Leveling

Joana's Classic WoW Guides

Joana's Leveling Addon Download

Get your speed leveling addons here

Download Joana's Leveling Addon:


Joana's In-Game Guide Addon -  To get started, download the following three items:

Last Update: March 9, 2025 - Download Joana's In-game Addon from CurseForge or Wago.
Waypoint Arrow
Last Update: Feb. 7, 2025 - You will also need the TomTom addon.  This will provide the waypoint arrow.
Last Update: Feb. 7, 2025 - 1-60 In-Game Guide Content Download on Joana's 1-60 members area.

Last Update: Feb. 7, 2025 -
60-70 In-Game Guide Content Download on Joana's 60-70 members area.

Last Update: Feb. 7, 2025 - 72-80 In-Game Guide Content Download on Joana's 70-80 members area.  Also includes Death Knight and Northrend Daily Quest leveling guides.


Extract the files directly into your Interface/AddOns folder like this!

Don't accidentally let the extractor create an extra folder. The zip file already contains a folder

Directory for WOTLK usually looks like this:

c:\program files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns

Directory for Hardcore / Era usually looks like this:

c:\program files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns

You can find these directories easy by loading the launcher, then choose your desired game, then click the cogwheel icon next to the Play button, choose Show in Explorer option and it will take you directly to that game directory.

Nothing else goes inside of the JoanaGuides addon folder, they all only go into the Interface\Addons folder, and no where else!

The content folders (JoanaGuides-Era, JoanaGuides-TBC, JoanaGuides-Wrath) should not have any other folders inside of them, only .html files and a .txt file.  Do NOT accidentally upgrade your content files by putting the updated ones inside the older ones!

The free download from CurseForge will have some free sample content in it:  All 1-12 starting areas, 70-72 Borean Tundra and 70-72 Howling Fjord for both Horde and Alliance.

Joana's Leveling Addon Change Log:

8/5/24 - v3.02.17:
- Bug fixes and additional support in preparation for rune guides.

4/16/24 - v3.02.13:
- Implemented all the SoD Rune guides for Phase3.  Just like with Phase 1 & 2, these are separate from the main leveling guides and are accessed via the character panel.  The character panel will show all possible runes the player can get after shift-clicking on them (to prevent spoilers), then clicked again to view the step-by-step rune guide in the addon.  Like Phase 1 & 2 rune guides, I decided to make these free to use for anyone.  Also, like always, please report any issues to me!
- There is no content update for this one, only an addon update.

4/7/24 - v3.02.12:
- Another quick fix for showing the runes properly in the Blizzard UI.
- There is no content update for this one, only an addon update.

4/4/24 - v3.02.11:
- Quick fix for showing the runes properly in the Blizzard UI.
- Fixed a menu glitch that was not showing the 30-31 Horde STV guide for WOTLK.
- There is no content update for this one, only an addon update.

3/29/24 - v3.02.10:
- Fixed and improved a number of SoD Rune guides.
- The addon can now detect whether you have a flying mount or not and the steps will adjust accordingly when in Outland or Northrend to reflect that.
- Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to all of the 1-80 leveling guides.

2/15/24 - v3.02.09:
- Implemented all the SoD Rune guides for Phase2.  Just like with Phase1, these are separate from the main leveling guides and are accessed via the character panel.  The character panel will show all possible runes the player can get after shift-clicking on them (to prevent spoilers), then clicked again to view the step-by-step rune guide in the addon.  Like Phase 1 rune guides, I decided to make these free to use for anyone.
- Improved XP leveling rate when the 'Discoverer's Delight buff' (+50 XP rate) is active for SoD.
- Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to all of the 1-60 leveling guides.

2/11/24 - v3.02.08:
- Quick fix for showing the runes properly in the Blizzard UI.  There is no content update for this one, only an addon update.

1/24/24 - v3.02.07:
- Implemented Mage teleport (portal) steps for both Horde and Alliance.  This will help save travel time for Mages.
- Teleport spell buttons are now next to boxes for Druids, Death Knights and Mages.
- Fixed a banking bug where sometimes the addon would not auto-advance if you already had the item quantity needed in your inventory.
- Fixed the colors on the button route choices when playing SoD on Hardcore mode.
- Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to all of the 1-60 leveling guides.

12/20/23 - v3.02.06:
- Implemented all the SoD Rune guides for Phase1.  These are separate from the main leveling guides and are accessed via the character panel.  The character panel will now show all possible runes the player can get after shift-clicking on them (to prevent spoilers), then clicked again to view the step-by-step rune guide in the addon.
- Fixed a bug where the target buttons were applying raid markers to hunter pets when the pet was the same ID as the enemy NPC.
- Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to all of the 1-60 leveling guides.

11/29/23 - v3.02.05:
- All target buttons are now implemented for the 60-70 Outland and 70-80 Northrend leveling guides.
- Most tooltip hovers have been implemented into the 60-70 Outland and 70-80 Northrend leveling guides.  This includes 3d hover models for objects and NPCs.  There is about 10% more that will get implemented in a future update.
- All Weapon Master steps have been revamped with showing you what you can still learn from the weapon masters along with auto-advancing the step if all weapons are learned.
- Caution symbol implemented next to turn-ins if you do not have the quest ready to be turned in.  Please note that this is a brand new feature so please report any issues about this if there is any!
- Caution quests will now be in red to further let you know you do not have that quest or the quest is unable to be turned in yet.  Do/Start quests will also not show objectives when red.
- There is a new advanced menu option that is turned on by default which automatically hides the addon when entering instances (dungeons or battlegrounds).
- The addon can now detect what first aid bandages you are able to make.  This has improved many First Aid steps through out the guides.
- More universal city waypoint pathing implemented for Ironforge and Orgrimmar.
- Auto advancements are now in place for making new homes for your Hearthstone from Innkeepers.  There is an option to turn this off in the advanced menu settings.
- Implemented a new feature where if you are in a group and turned in a quest that opens an escort quest, the addon will not automatically accept the escort quest, giving you a chance for your group-mates to also accept the escort.
- The addon is now capable of doing auto-advancements upon casting spells.  This has improved a few steps, especially telling Warlocks to summon Imps for the first time in the starting areas.
- Implemented a feature that allows the targeting of certain dead NPCs.
- Fixed targeting bug where sometimes it would deselect a target first before targeting another NPC.
- Fixed all bad zone IDs that were causing a "..." to appear in the text instead of zone names.
- Fixed a bug when hearthing to another continent the addon would not auto-advance until the player moved.
- Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to all of the 1-80 leveling guides.

10/27/23 - v3.02.04:
- ADDON: Auto-mated banking is implemented.  Banking steps will now automatically move your items to and from the bank.  This new feature can be toggled on/off in the advanced menu.
- ADDON: Some banking steps has been improved with follow-up steps to direct players more efficiently to obtain items you could use for quest turn-ins.
- CONTENT: 12-20 Bloodmyst Isle has been implemented for the addon.  All TBC starting area content has now been ported into the addon!
- ADDON: Fixed a bug that was making the work-complete sound not work on Start quest objectives once completed.
- ADDON: Cloth donations are now fully auto-mated with quest detections.  No more "click when done" buttons on these.  Banking steps will also precisely tell you what you need to get out for the cloth donations.
- ADDON: The destroy item boxes will now only be shown when you have actually turned in the quest associated with it.  This is to prevent players from accidentally destroying quest items when browsing around with the next button.
- ADDON: Fixed a bug that was causing the quest hover tooltips to not show on first try.
- ADDON: Improved waypoint pathing on many Orgrimmar steps.
- ADDON: Fixed a lot of missing 3d hover models.
- CONTENT: Implemented the escort quest in Shadow Hold (Felwood) for Alliance.
- CONTENT: Tainted Scar discovery code vastly improved for Blasted Lands guides.
- CONTENT: Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to the 1-60 Azeroth content.

10/12/23 - v3.02.03:
- ADDON: Fixed an issue that could cause some boxes with a button on it to not fade away when completed when there was other boxes on the step.
- CONTENT: 12-20 Ghostlands has been implemented for the addon.
- CONTENT: 1-12 Azuremyst Isle has been implemented for the addon.  Note that 12-20 Bloodmyst Isle will be completed around the end of October.
- CONTENT: "Mage Summoner" quest has been implemented into the Alliance guide for hardcore players so they can get the Light of Elune item.
- CONTENT: Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to the 1-60 Azeroth content.

10/1/23 - v3.02.02:
- CONTENT: Hotfix for the Horde Shimmering Flats guide not working after step 04-03.

9/30/23 - v3.02.01:
- ADDON: The addon now forces TomTom's "arrival distance" to 1 for all guide waypoints.  This is to ensure the arrow will not point downwards before reaching checkpoints.
- ADDON: Fixed an error that occurred when hovering over NPC raid targets when in a party with others also using the leveling addon.
- ADDON: The addon can now detect how many skill points you are into a profession.  This has improved First Aid through out the guides.
- ADDON: The sound alert target will now mark the NPC with the Circle raid marker.  This is so the raid marker will stay on a dangerous elite mob while still allowing you to target mark other normal mobs on the step with the skull marker.
- CONTENT: 1-12 Eversong Woods has been implemented for the addon.  The rest of the TBC starting areas are coming real soon.
- CONTENT: ALL target buttons for the 1-60 guides are now fully implemented.
- CONTENT: Dire Maul discovery for the "A Reliquary of Purity" quest has been fixed and improved.
- CONTENT: Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to the 1-60 Azeroth content.

9/19/23 - v3.01.02:
- ADDON: Inverted Mode option implemented.  This will allow you to basically flip the addon upside down, allowing you to put the addon near the bottom of the screen and the boxes will pile up instead of downward.
- ADDON: New feature with the targeting system:  When you hover over an NPC that is involved with a quest you are doing, you will see it apply the X raid marker to it.  This is to let you better understand if a mob is involved in something you need to kill or interact with for one of the quests you have.
- ADDON: Made a change to the target buttons targeting multiple targets within one button: it will now cycle through the targets instead of only targeting the first one in the list when there is multiple targets in the game world.
- ADDON: The minimap ping animation can now be switched to just a static circle in the Advanced menu options (instead of the animated default one).
- ADDON: The addon is now compatible with the UnitScan addon and should not have any further conflicts with it.
- ADDON: Re-worded a lot of tooltips in the advanced menu.
- CONTENT: Implemented more target buttons in the 1-60 guide.
- CONTENT: Numerous re-routes for the Horde 1-60 Hardcore guide.
- CONTENT: Learning Apprentice First Aid in the starting areas is now auto-advancing properly (no more "click when done" buttons on these).
- CONTENT: Greatly improved the Blasted Lands grind for total items needed along with the waypoints of mobs you only need to kill.
- CONTENT: More sound alerts added for elites through out the game world.
- CONTENT: Numerous updates/improvements/bug fixes to the 1-60 Azeroth content.  In fact there has been several hundred bug fixes / improvements since the last release.

9/5/23 - v3.01.01:
- ADDON: When you don't actually have a quest, the addon will now show a caution sign instead of the sword symbol next to quest name.
- ADDON: The addon now has the capability to detect what you have equipped.
- ADDON: The addon now has the capability to detect buffs and debuffs.
- ADDON: The addon now has the capability to detect what professions you have.
- ADDON: Fixed a bug where sometimes the item/target buttons would be out of sync with the box it pertains to.
- ADDON: Fixed numerous waypoint issues and improved a lot of other waypoints.
- ADDON: Joyous Journey implemented for the addon.
- ADDON: Target buttons will no longer target dead mobs.  However keep in mind the target button will still light up for dead mobs if there is no alive ones, there is nothing we can do about this as the interface of WoW does not let us know the difference between alive and dead NPCs when seeing if there is an alive target available.
- CONTENT: Various updates/improvements/bug fixes to the Azeroth content.

8/29/23 - v3.0.04:
- ADDON: Addon is no longer in beta status.
- ADDON: Prev/Next buttons now will remove completed boxes on unfinished steps.
- ADDON: Fixed a bug that was happening with the shift-click prev/next buttons causing completely finished steps to not bypass.
- ADDON: Fixed a bug where the Moon raid target was getting applied to your character while finishing a quest while being in a party.
- ADDON: Work-complete sound added for grind steps.
- ADDON: Fixed an error that happened when loading a guide, then unloading a guide.
- CONTENT: Various updates/improvements/bug fixes to the Azeroth content.

8/24/23 - v3.0.03:
- ADDON: Fixed an error that could occur with the destroy item feature.
- ADDON: The sound alert target icon is fixed for Era/Hardcore.
- ADDON: Fixed an error that could occur when pressing the Alternate route buttons.
- CONTENT: Numerous bug fixes through out the Azeroth content.

8/18/23 - v3.0.02:
- CONTENT:  Quick fix on taking out the TBC starting area guides as they should not be in the addon yet as I have not properly ported them into it.

8/15/23 - v3.0.01:
Welcome to Joana's 3.0 Addon:
I like to first mention that this version of the addon is almost an entirely new addon from the previous version, with a LONG list of new features and old features have been refactored from the ground up.  Let's go through them all:

- CONTENT:  Joana's 1-60 leveling guide is now ported into the addon.  This was a long time coming, but its finally here!  Keep in mind I still need to port the TBC starting areas into it (Blood elves and Draenei), which should be ready in a few weeks.
- HARDCORE: Hardcore is now ready for my guides!  You will see the toggle for it in the addon's menu.  This will dynamically change a lot of things through out the guides to make your journey safer and more streamlined for hardcore.
- ADDON:  Coordinate/Waypoint system has been refactored from the ground up.  Anything is now possible with what can be done with waypoints, checkpoints, defining areas, etc.
- ADDON:  World map now shows dots that can be clicked on to change waypoints.  There is also connected lines from the player to these dots, so you can easily locate them easier and see the general path between them.
- ADDON:  Waypoint buttons within text has been improved that when you click on one, it will change to [Active], to let you know which one has currently been selected.
- ADDON:  World map dots have colorized labels.
- ADDON:  World map dots have total distance in yards indicated through all checkpoints.
- ADDON:  Redesigned header.  The header of the addon is now slimmer with a progress bar showing how far along you are into the current guide.  Previous/Next buttons are now on a horizontal axis and the guide title will now dynamically update where you are at if it differs from the guide name.
- ADDON:  Text can now be broken down into conditions by words and even letters.  This means the addon is now capable of using game IDs for anything within the text fields.  Keep in mind this is fully implemented for the 1-60 guide right now, but only partially implemented for the Outland/Northrend guides, which will be finished later this year.  This allows the following:
- ADDON:  Hover tooltips for virtually anything:  npcs, objects, spells, items, etc.  There is 3d models for objects / NPCs when hovered upon.
- ADDON:  Links to wowhead for virtually anything:  npcs, objects, spells, items, etc.
- ADDON:  Better text coloring for everything.  Green for friendly NPCS, red for hostile, tan for neutral.
- ADDON:  Character class steps/text will be colored according to their respective class coloring.  This will let you know that what you are doing is only pertaining to your class quests.
- ADDON:  Over 250 next buttons have been eliminated out of the 60-70 and 70-80 guides.
- ADDON:  Automated flights have been implemented.  Simply go to a flight master and it will automatically fly you to the destination you need to.  This automated feature can be toggled off if you like in the menu.
- ADDON:  Getting a flight path will now auto-advance the step properly.
- ADDON:  Destroy item feature has been implemented.  When a junk item remains in your inventory, a destroy item button will appear next to a box for you to easily destroy it, without you needing to locate it in your bags.
- ADDON:  Target buttons are now implemented.  You will see these next to boxes that the target will pertain to.  They will put a raid target on the target, allowing you to easily locate it (skull for hostile, green triangle for friendly), which can be toggled on/off in the menu.
- ADDON:  Target buttons will be faded out if the NPC is not in your game view to be targeted, it will then light up when targetable.  Also certain single NPCs that patrol will play a sound effect (of your choice in the menu) to alert you when that NPC is within view.  This is similar to the UnitScan addon, all built into my leveling guide.
- ADDON:  The addon is now capable of having more than one button next to boxes.  This allows for a combination of target and item buttons all next to a single box.  The addon is actually capable of doing unlimited buttons next to boxes now.
- ADDON:  These buttons are now hotkeyable!  You can assign these hotkeys under the game's keybinding menu, under "Joana's Guides".  The hotkeys work from the top down in the addon, and hotkeys can change dynamically during a step as buttons/boxes get removed from the step, so keep that in mind.
- ADDON:  Waypoint arrows will now show in text where you are going to or what you need to do in a small phrase.  Gender and race will be indicated for NPCs too.
- ADDON:  When a certain objective of a quest is being done, the other objectives shown will be 25% smaller and slightly grayed out.  This is to better indicate only what you need to do, but still allowing you to see the quest in its entierty.
- ADDON:  Auto-advancements implemented for going through teleporters, boats and zeppelins.
- ADDON:  Hearthstone boxes will now disappear after hearthing.
- ADDON:  A quest can now be marked to do more than 1 objective on a single step.
- ADDON:  Money condition implemented.
- ADDON:  Level condition implemented, which is used in many places through out the guides.
- ADDON:  Safer areas (in light green) are indicated in the guide menu.
- ADDON:  "work complete" sound implemented for obtaining item task.
- ADDON:  Implemented XP requirement for auto-advance.  You will also see a star graphic on your XP bar to see where this requirement is also at.
- ADDON:  New task elements added in to accommodate the 1-60 guide:  Learn new spells/abilities, learn new weapon skills, automated flights, get repaired, get resupplied, learn new tradeskills (first aid, cooking, etc), stable pet (for hunters).
- ADDON:  quest objective condition implemented.  This allows steps to dynamically hide quest objective info out of the text as they get completed, thus showing you only what you still need to do.
- ADDON:  New task element added to simply show you an item quantity and its count, including if you have any of that item in your bank.  This eliminated the need to show quest item next to box to see quantity.
- ADDON:  Alternate route button implemented.  This is currently being used mostly in the 12-30 Horde guides, as translated from my webguide.
- ADDON:  Goto buttons will now be blue for normal mode and red for hardcore mode.
- ADDON:  Clickable images have been added through out the guides.  Simply click the link in addon to see image, then click anywhere on the screen to exit.
- ADDON:  Banking steps for the 1-60 guide included, which will auto-advance once you are done banking everything.
- ADDON:  The addon can now auto-advance to next guide without a button.  This is implemented for the 1-60 guides, but I still need to get this in for the Outland/Northrend guides.
- ADDON:  Joana's brand name in menu has been added to remind you what leveling guide you are actually using :)

1/22/23 - v2.1.04:
- ADDON:  Hotfix - Reputation conditions bug is fixed.
- CONTENT:  Argent Tournament Daily Quests implemented into Icecrown Daily Quest guide.

1/17/23 - v2.1.02:
- ADDON:  The shift-click forward/back button has been dramatically improved and should not land on any steps you already did.
- ADDON:  Compatibility with latest guides and WotLK patch.
- CONTENT:  Borean Tundra improvements.

12/28/22 - v2.1.01 (BIG UPDATE):
- CONTENT:  60-70 Outland leveling guide addon content is now available!
- ADDON:  The Addon can now recognize your reputation status amongst all the factions.  This will make the daily quests in Sholazar Basin and Dun Nifflelem more efficient and streamlined (no more "next" buttons on them).  And this will also come to play a lot in the 60-70 Outland guides with Aldor, Scryer, Cenarion Expedition, Sporeggar, etc.
- ADDON:  Completed boxes will now fade out and disappear after 3 seconds.
- ADDON:  Shift-Click has been implemented for both the back/forward button.  This will enable you to go to the next or previous step that was not finished.  There is currently no in-game tooltip for this yet until it's further improved in the future.  So this is a hidden feature for the time being.
- ADDON:  Icons are now implemented into the addon for better visibility.
- ADDON:  Individual quest criteria numbers are listed at the beginning of them instead of the end.  This provides better visibility and eliminates bad word wrapping issues.
- ADDON:  Individual quest criteria now will gray out as they get completed, further letting you know what has been completed and what still needs done.
- ADDON:  Improved spacings between things.
- ADDON:  Skip buttons are now on every group quest for easy access.
- ADDON:  The blue color on the "Do" quests are now a slightly brighter blue, making them easier to read on darker monitors.
- ADDON:  The addon now has the ability to override an auto-accept for quests.  This allowed me to prevent some quests from auto accepting too soon in the guide.  Also if you happen to come across any quests that you prefer to not be auto-accepted, please report them to me!
- ADDON:  Fixed a bug where sometimes the addon will not auto turn-in certain quests.
- ADDON:  The addon can now recognize and handle Failed quests more appropriately.
- ADDON:  Conditions at the task level have been implemented.  This allowed me to eliminate redundant boxes on some steps, making things more organized and robust.
- ADDON:  Race condition has been implemented.  This allows me to only show certain things to only certain races (undead, orc, troll, etc..)
- CONTENT:  Reroutes for Alliance Grizzly Hills (sections 11 - 15).  If you are currently in that zone, then you may need to go back several sections in order to complete all the quests correctly for that zone.
- CONTENT:  MANY small improvements everywhere in the 70-80 Northrend guides.

10/17/22 - v2.0.06:
- ADDON:  Bug fix: Error being thrown if a /reload or login occurs while the player's bookmark sits on an already completed step.

10/12/22 - v2.0.05:
- ADDON: Items next to boxes has been dramatically improved with the following:  cooldown count, quantity amount, out of range indicator, and shift-click drag to action bar.  Hotkeys are coming later!
- ADDON: The addon now has the ability to auto advance for simply obtaining items, this eliminated about 60 next buttons across the Northrend guides.
- CONTENT:  Full Daily Quest Guide available now!  Covers all daily quests in Northrend and shows you how to do all of them fast and efficiently.  Has a menu and sub menus that you can jump around and only do certain daily quests if you want.
- CONTENT:  More updates and enhancements to the Icecrown guides.

10/7/22 - v2.0.04:
- ADDON: Addon now has the option to play a "work complete" sound effect upon completing objectives/quests to let you know things are done as an audible feedback.  This is On by default.
- Updates/fixes to Storm Peaks and Icecrown for both Horde and Alliance.

10/3/22 - v2.0.03:
- ADDON: Implemented the ability for the addon to know if you did not do a Group quest to not tell you to turn it in.
- ADDON: A guide/addon version checker has been implemented to help you stay up-to-date.
- CONTENT:  Implemented the alternate quest chain obtained from the Writhing Choker in Zul'Drak.
- CONTENT:  The Zul'Drak Daily Questline now auto advances through the entire quest chain.
- CONTENT:  The Sholazar Basin Daily Questline now auto advances through most of it except the accepts, which we are still working on.
- CONTENT:  Lots of small tweaks/enhancements to the Zul'Drak guide.

9/29/22 - v2.0.02:
- CONTENT:  Fixes in Dragonblight and Grizzly Hills for both Horde and Alliance guides.

9/26/22 - First Version


Examples of Joana's Leveling Addon in Action:

Joana's Addon Features & How to Use Them

  • Do: = Means to do a quest or part of one in order for the addon to auto advance.

  • Start: = Means to start working on something else while on your way to do your main (Do) objective.  These do not need to be completed for the step to auto advance.

  • [##.##] = Clickable coordinate buttons to change the waypoint arrow to another destination.  Some steps will utilize this feature.  These buttons will change to [Active] once pressed.

  • Use Shift-Click on the Forward and Back buttons to skip to steps you have not done yet.

  • Quest Items = Some quests use quest items, and those will show up next to the addon's quest box which can be used.
  • All equipped with cooldown count, out of range coloring, quantity and shift-click drag to action bar.
  • Target Buttons = Some steps will have target buttons next to boxes for easy targeting of mobs/npcs.


  • Hot keys = The buttons next to the addon are hotkeyable via the Blizzard Keybindings menu under Joana's Guides.
  • The addon will hotkey both quest items are target buttons from the top down, up to 6 hotkeys can be assigned.
  • Keep in mind that hotkeys can dynamically change during a step as buttons disappear from the addon, as things get completed.


  • Hover Tooltips = You now have hover tooltips for virtually anything:  NPCs, objects, quests, items, spells, etc.
  • You will see 3d models for NPCs and game objects to help you identify things easier.


  • Links = You now have links to wowhead for anything by simply clicking on them in the addon, which will bring up a window for you to copy a wowhead link, which you can then paste into a web browser to provide detailed information/comments on virtually anything in the game.


  • Skip Buttons = Some steps will utilize skip/next buttons that can be programmed to go to any step in the guide.  These are primarily used for alternate route choices.
  • All group quests, or quests that could be hard to solo also all have Skip buttons.
  • Hardcore toggle will also even have more Skip buttons to keep you safe while questing.

Linking Addon with WebGuide

At the top of the Addon shows the Step ID.  Seeing the step ID number has multiple uses:

  • Linking the addon's step with the webguide steps.  This is done by matching the first number with the image number in the webguide (images have numbers above them in the webguide) followed by the second number is also the step number of the webguide.  So step ID 44-02 would be image #44, step #02 in the webguides.
  • Being able to stay on track with the web guides allows you to see upcoming steps and act as a "guide browser" to search around and see the guide as a whole much better.
  • And very importantly, being able to send me bug reports on steps.  Simply email me what step ID (in which guide) has a bug or error so I can get it fixed ASAP.

If you type:  /joana goto ##-##

  • This allows you to jump to any step in the current guide.  This could be useful for first looking at the webguide and browsing through it to see if you want to back track to something you missed earlier (such as group quests), and then to simply type that step number from the webguide into the game's chat to instantly jump to that section in the in-game guide addon.




Other Must have addons for leveling:

NOTE:  These addons are not made by me, but I use these myself for speedleveling in Classic WoW:



Questie - This is the biggest addon on my "must have" list because it does a lot of things.  It will mark on the world map and mini map where things are done, shows quest givers and what quests are available.  It will show you the progress of quests with other members in your party.  It will show you quest objectives when you click on mobs.

You can use this addon to show you what cloth donation you are on at each cloth donation NPC (on world map).

This addon shows you patrol paths of various NPCs, among other things.

This addon is very popular and many are already using it, you may already be using this yourself!  This addon is highly recommended to be used along side my step-by-step leveling guides, both web guides and in-game guide addon.

IMPORTANT:  When used along with my leveling addon make sure Questie has the option in General - Auto Accept Quests to unchecked (off).  Because my leveling addon has this built in that will only accept the quests you need and nothing more.

TomTom - This addon shows you a waypoint arrow on your screen.  This addon is required to be used along side my in-game guide addon to provide the waypoint arrows.  So this is a must have addon to get!

RECOMMENDED SETTINGS:  For my leveling addon, I feel TomTom works best with the following setting changed:  In General Options, change "Arrival Distance" to a value of "0".

This addon also currently works with my web guides as well.  Throughout my web guides are coordinate buttons that you press to copy TomTom coordinates to your clipboard, you then paste that into your chat inside the game to bring up a TomTom waypoint arrow to direct you exactly where to go.

So if you are using my guides (doesn't matter which version) then you should definitely get this!

Leatrix Plus - This addon can accomplish a lot of things for you, making it so you do not need to have a bunch of other small addons installed.  Here is a list of things I personally enable and use with this addon:
  • Automation:  Sell junk automatically (auto sells gray items to vendor)
  • Interface:  Enhance quest log (wider quest log showing more quests at once)
  • Interface:  Show flight times  (this will show you a progress bar on your screen to see how long flights will take)
  • System:  Faster auto loot (will speed up looting time)
  • System:  Show vendor price (see how much things are worth when not at vendors)

There is a lot of other options to explore too, but these are the only ones I use and recommend using.

Leatrix Maps - This will enhance your world map in many ways, the most important one allowing you to see unexplored areas, while still distinguishing between what you explored and haven't.  Without this addon it can be hard to tell where you are going, especially if you are a new player.

Although if you are serious about your newly discovered exploration excitement then this may not be for you!

This addon will also allow you to zoom in on the world map.

This addon also shows the locations of Spirit Healers.

Use /ltm in game to bring up its menu to configure it.  Only thing I change is: turn off "Enlarge player arrow", uncheck "Show minimap button".

Unexplored areas shaded out:

tullaRange - This addon simply changes icon's color to let you know you are out of range of using those abilities/icons.  I don't understand why this is not built into the game?  I feel like this is a must have addon and I do not see a reason not to use it.
Moncai Compare - This simple addon will allow you to compare items without the need to hold down the shift key first.  That's it.  So simple yes so convenient.  I do not see a reason why you would not want to use this!
UnitScan - Even though my leveling addon does have sound alerts for most dangerous mobs in the game, this addon covers just about every patrolling elite, even ones that my addon may not contain yet.  If you are playing hardcore, I would get this and let it do its thing to warn you of ALL elites in the game.  Eventually, my addon will cover all and you will not need to use this then, but for now I would use it.


Other, Optional Speedleveling Related Addons

NOTE:  These addons are not made by me, and I may or may not use these while speedleveling:



WeaponSwingTimer - This addon will let you see your weapon timers upon hitting enemies.  This addon can improve your efficiency by allowing you to know exactly when your weapons will be hitting enemies.  I use this all the time.  This is espeically useful for hunter with auto-shot.

Please note that for SoM you need to use the TBC version for this to work (as of February 2022).

JoanasHealthText (direct download) - This is a very simple addon that I requested for myself.  All it does is simply show your current health value on the screen and it can be dragged anywhere.

I wanted this made for several reasons. I do like seeing my health value on screen as a number because it lets me know how many hits or blows it would take to kill me in a given situation.  In such to warn me if I need to drink a potion or something.  Blizzard does have a built in mechanism to show these values but it covers up the health/mana bars making them harder to see.  Seeing max health and mana values are unnecessary in my opinion, same with current mana value to a lesser extent.

SpeedrunSplits - This one is specifically for speedruners who like to see exactly what times they are getting after every level compared to previous speedruns.  This is sort of like a timer split program most speedrunner you see using on Twitch, but this is built inside the game as an addon.

As you can see, I don't use too many addons, but this list here is some I cannot live without when it comes to speed leveling.  Feel free to discuss down below in the comments if you feel like an addon not listed here helps you with speed leveling, or any other questions about an addon listed here..


Miscellaneous Links:

Joana's 1-60 Vanilla WoW 4 day, 20 hour [WR] Speedrun - Video Trailer
1-60 Speed Run Videos, Images & Info
All my vanilla WoW 1-60 Speedrun Attempts
History & Interview about my WoW speedruns (
Want a copy of the First Ever WoW Leveling guide?