40-41 Badlands

"Martek the Exiled" (at 42.52) ... accept "Indurium" and "Barbecued Buzzard Wings"
"Indurium" (51.67)
"Indurium" in ... accept "News for Fizzle"
"Study of the Elements: Rock" (at 25.44). NOTE: If you have the Frost Oil item, accept and complete the quest "Coolant Heads Prevail"

"Unclaimed Baggage" "Coyote Thieves" "Report to Helgrum" "Broken Alliances" and "Badlands Reagent Run"

"Barbecued Buzzard Wings"
"Coyote Thieves"
"Broken Alliances" (See Video) (i skip the next part to this quest)
"Badlands Reagent Run"
"Unclaimed Baggage"
"Study of the Elements: Rock" (lesser rock elementals), turn in, then do...
"Study of the Elements: Rock" (rock elementals), turn in, then do...
"Study of the Elements: Rock" (greater rock elementals)

The Green Hills of Stranglethorn Chapters/Quests at Nesingwary's Expedition (35.10) if you have all the pages for it, if not you have another chance to turn this in again later. You can also look in the AH for your missing pages.
"Nothing But the Truth" (in Duskwood at 87.35)
"Nothing But the Truth" (the guy right next to him)
"Nothing But the Truth" part2
41-42 Swamp of Sorrows
"Dream Dust in the Swamp" (14.59) Just clear the whelps in this area once, you will finish this quest up later at the Scalebane dragons far east.
Cudgel, he drops Noboru's Cudgel, which starts "Noboru the Cudgel"
"Noboru the Cudgel" (25.31) ... accept "Draenethyst Crystals"

"Lack of Surplus" and "Little Morsels". I SKIP "Fresh Meat"

"Report to Helgrum" ... accept "Pool of Tears"

"Pool of Tears" (the artifacts are in the water around temple of atal'hakkar)
"Lack of Surplus" then turn it in (at 81.80) ... SKIP "Lack of Surplus" part2
"Dream Dust in the Swamp" (killing the Scalebane dragons)
"Draenethyst Crystals" along with "Little Morsels" (62.22)
"Draenethyst Crystals" (25.31)

"Little Morsels" and "Pool of Tears" ... accept "The Atal'ai Exile"

42-43 Stranglethorn Vale
in "Dream Dust in the Swamp" ... accept "Tran'Rek" and "Rumors for Kravel"
"The Bloodsail Buccaneers" "Up to Snuff" "Venture Company Mining" "Zanzil's Secret" "Akiris by the Bundle" "Voodoo Dues" "Stoley's Debt" "Stranglethorn Fever" and "Keep An Eye Out"

"The Bloodsail Buccaneers" along with "Up to Snuff" and "Keep An Eye Out" (these are done at the shore around 31.80, and some more mobs can be found at 27.70). Also do "Stranglethorn Fever" (for "Stranglethorn Fever" you will need one gorilla fang, and the witch doctor is in the cave at 34.60)
"Mok'thardin's Enchantment" part4 along with "Akiris by the Bundle" (25.63)
"Raptor Mastery" (Tethis) (28.44)
"Zanzil's Secret" along with "Voodoo Dues" (34.52 and 39.58)
"Venture Company Mining" (41.44)
"Raptor Mastery" (Tethis) ... accept "Big Game Hunter" (Elite)

"Mok'thardin's Enchantment"
"Big Game Hunter" (Elite) (he is at 38.35) I am always able to solo him, but you could try partying up with someone, if you can't do it, skip it.
"Big Game Hunter". Also if you haven't yet, turn in all the The Green Hills of Stranglethorn Chapters/Quests You can also look in the AH for your missing pages, or you can simply skip the quest.

"Venture Company Mining" "Zanzil's Secret" "Stranglethorn Fever" "Up to Snuff" "The Bloodsail Buccaneers" "Akiris by the Bundle" "Voodoo Dues" and "Keep An Eye Out"

43-44 Dustwallow Marsh
"Identifying the Brood" "Army of the Black Dragon" and "Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern"
"Questioning Reethe" then do it.
"Questioning Reethe"

"Bloodfen Feathers" "WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous" "Catch a Dragon by the Tail"
"Bloodfen Feathers" along with "WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous" (at 32.66)
"Banner of the Stonemaul" and "The Essence of Enmity"

"Catch a Dragon by the Tail"
"Identifying the Brood"
"Razzeric's Tweaking" (there is a box at 54.56)
"Marg Speaks" kill the mobs at around (58.63)
"Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern" (Snuff=44.66, Grog=38.65, Strongbox=in the cave at 36.69 [the entrance to the cave is at 38.66])
"The Essence of Enmity"
"Banner of the Stonemaul" (this banner is inside the cave at 38.69)
"Army of the Black Dragon"
"Catch a Dragon by the Tail" "Banner of the Stonemaul" and "The Essence of Enmity" ... accept "Spirits of Stonemaul Hold"
Go do "Spirits of Stonemaul Hold". Once it is done, go back and turn it in ... accept "Challenge to the Black Flight"
Go do "Challenge to the Black Flight" (at 53.76). Once it's done go back and turn it in.

"Questioning Reethe" "Army of the Black Dragon" "Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern" and "Identifying the Brood" ... accept "The Brood of Onyxia"
"The Brood of Onyxia" is done, but don't actually do the final quest yet (this will be done later at level 48, so you can abandon it for now).
"Marg Speaks" ... accept "Report to Zor"
44-45 Tanaris

"WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting" and "WANTED: Andre Firebeard" (Wanted Poster)
"Gadgetzan Water Survey" "Wastewander Justice" and "Water Pouch Bounty"

"Rumors for Kravel" "News for Fizzle" and "Razzeric's Tweaking" ... accept "Safety First"
"Keeping Pace"
"Keeping Pace" in at Zamek, then go pick up Rizzle's Plans at 77.77) ... accept "Rizzle's Schematics"
"Back to Booty Bay" (at Kravel Koalbeard)
"Rizzle's Schematics" at Pozzik.

"Safety First" ... i SKIP the next part to this quest.

"Pirate Hats Ahoy!" "Screecher Spirits" and "Southsea Shakedown"
"Stoley's Debt" ... accept "Stoley's Shipment"

"Wastewander Justice" along with "Water Pouch Bounty" (at 64.29

"Southsea Shakedown"
"Pirate Hats Ahoy!"
"Stoley's Shipment"
"Ship Schedules" (find this in one of the Pirate's footlocker at Lost Rigger Cove. If the item cannot be found, just skip it)
"WANTED: Andre Firebeard" (See Video)

"Water Pouch Bounty" "Wastewander Justice" ... accept "More Wastewander Justice"
"Gadgetzan Water Survey" (grinding mobs along the way, coords are at 38.29), then go back and turn it in.

"Deliver to MacKinley"
"More Wastewander Justice" along with "WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting" (59.37)

"More Wastewander Justice" and "WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting"

45-46 Feralas

"A New Cloak's Sheen" "The Ogres of Feralas" "Gordunni Cobalt" "War on the Woodpaw" "The Mark of Quality" "A Strange Request"

"War on the Woodpaw" go just north of Camp Mojache to do this. (71.37)
"The Ogres of Feralas" along with "Gordunni Cobalt" (75.31)
"The Gordunni Scroll"
"A New Cloak's Sheen" (67.48)

"Alpha Strike" (at 72.56) then turn it in. ... accept "Woodpaw Investigation"
"Woodpaw Investigation" (at 71.55) complete it ... accept "The Battle Plans"
"A Grim Discovery" (66.46)
"The Battle Plans" and "A Grim Discovery", accept ALL new quests.
PLEASE NOTE: If the 'OOX-22/FE Distress Beacon' item drops, accept the quest "Find OOX-22/FE!". Turn in "Find OOX-22/FE!" (at 53.55). Then go do:
"Stinglasher" along with "Zukk'ash Infestation" (74.62)
"Screecher Spirits" (55.56)
"The Ogres of Feralas" part2 (59.68)
NOTE: While in this area, make sure you pick up a Hippogryph Egg down south-west (around 55.76), this will be turned in at Tanaris for a later quest.
"Dark Ceremony" (59.68)
"The Mark of Quality" (53.55)
"The Sunken Temple"

"Zukk'ash Report" (56.46)
"A Donation of Silk" and "A Donation of Mageweave" (at 63.51)
"Ripple Recovery" (from Dran Droffers) (59.36)
"Ripple Recovery" (the guy right next to Dran) ... accept "Ripple Recovery" again.
"Parts of the Swarm" and "A Grim Discovery" at Belgrom Rockmaul ... accept "Betrayed" (75.34). Also get new spells/abilities while you are in Orgrimmar.
"A Strange Request" ... SKIP "Retrun to Witch Doctor Uzer'i" (cleft of shadow, 49.50)
"Report to Zor" ... accept/complete "Service to the Horde" (valley of wisdom, 38.38)
"The Gordunni Orb" (valley of spirits, 39.86)
"A Donation of Silk" and "A Donation of Mageweave" (for the troll faction, at 37.87)

46-47 Azshara
"Spiritual Unrest" and "A Land Filled with Hatred" (at 10.78)

"Betrayed" (skip the next part to this quest for now)

"Seeping Corruption" and "Errand for Apothecary Zinge"
"Errand for Apothecary Zinge" (out in the other room)
"Errand for Apothecary Zinge" again ... accept "Into the Field"

47-47 Hinterlands
Here are the prerequisites to this section:
-Accept: "Lines of Communication" in the UC (magic quarter)
-Accept: "Grim Message" at Grom'gol (in STV)

"Ripple Recovery" (at 26.48) ... accept "A Sticky Situation"

"Vilebranch Hooligans" "Cannibalistic Cousins" "Message to the Wildhammer" "Stalking the Stalkers" "Hunt the Savages" and "Avenging the Fallen".

"Vilebranch Hooligans"
"Cannibalistic Cousins"
"A Sticky Situation" (57.41) turn this in when you get the chance ... accept "Ripple Delivery"
"Stalking the Stalkers"
"Hunt the Savages"
"Testing the Vessel"
"Avenging the Fallen"
"Lines of Communication"
"Message to the Wildhammer"
"Rin'ji is Trapped!" (the escort quest, starts at 31.48)
"Grim Message" ...while doing this quest accept "Venom Bottles" (one of those little bottles on the table, 23.58)

OOX-09/HL Distress Beacon item drops, accept the quest "Find OOX-09/HL!"
"Find OOX-09/HL!" (at 49.38) (Don't do the escort yet)
"Rin'ji is Trapped!" (at 86.59) ... accept "Rin'ji's Secret"

"Venom Bottles" ... accept "Undamaged Venom Sac"

"Undamaged Venom Sac" and "The Atal'ai Exile" (33.72) (See Video on where to find this dude at) ... accept "Return to Fel'Zerul"

"Undamaged Venom Sac" ... I SKIP "Consult Master Gadrin"

"A Donation of Mageweave" (you need 60 mageweave cloth for this quest)
"Lines of Communication" and "Rin'ji's Secret" ..then complete "Oran's Gratitude"

47-47 Stranglethorn Vale
"Grim Message" (if you did the Hinterlands section).

"The Bloodsail Buccaneers" part5 and "Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog"

"Back to Booty Bay" and "Deliver to MacKinley"
"The Captain's Chest" is accepted, then go do it (at 36.65). If your class has troubles, either find a group to help, or you can simply skip it.
Carefully Folded Note shows up ... which starts "Message in a Bottle"
"Message in a Bottle" in (at 38.80) ... accept and do "Message in a Bottle" Part2. Once done turn it in.
"The Bloodsail Buccaneers" part5 (kill the three pirates in the three ships) ...while doing it, find "Cortello's Riddle" (it's usually a little scroll downstairs in the middle ship)

"The Captain's Chest" and "The Bloodsail Buccaneers" part5

"Caught", then...
47-48 Searing Gorge
"Caught!" (guy in the outhouse, 65.62), then turn it in. ... accept "Ledger from Tanaris" ... click on outhouse to get the Goodsteel Ledger
"Ledger from Tanaris" quest.
Kalaran Windblade (at 39.38) on way to Thorium Point (35.25). Do first his listen to me quest "Divine Retribution". In order to get "The Flawless Flame" Once at Thorium Point collect ALL quests there and get the FP there too.

"Fiery Menace!"
"Curse These Fat Fingers"
"STOLEN: Smithing Tuyere and Lookout's Spyglass"
"The Flawless Flame" turn in, then get and do "Forging the Shaft"
"JOB OPPORTUNITY: Culling the Competition"
"WANTED: Overseer Maltorius" (the plans for "What the Flux?" quest is right behind Overseer Maltorius)
"What the Flux?"
"Incendosaurs? Whateverosaur is More Like It"
"The Key to Freedom" starts from an item drop Grimsite Outhouse Key, turn in at the outhouse (south-east, 65.62)
"Forging the Shaft" ... accept "The Flame's Casing"
"The Flame's Casing" (around 24.36). Just keep killing the mobs there until the item drops.
"The Flame's Casing" ... accept and do "The Torch of Retribution", then turn it in ... accept and do "The Torch of Retribution" Part2 (just pick up the torch on the ground.
"Squire Maltrake", then turn it in ... accept "Set Them Ablaze!"
"Set Them Ablaze!" (north=33.54, south=44.61, east=50.54, west=35.60). Once that is done, go back and turn it in.
"Trinkets...", then click on the chest again to turn it in.
Black Dragonflight Molt in your inventory as you will need it for a later quest.

48-49 Swamp of Sorrows

Fallen Hero of the Horde (34.66) ... keep talking to him till you get this quest: "The Disgraced One"
"Cortello's Riddle" (22.48 under the bridge)
"Cortello's Riddle" part2

"The Disgraced One" (and "Return to Fel'Zerul" if you did Hinterlands)... accept "The Missing Orders"

"The Missing Orders" (in the inn) ... accept "The Swamp Talker"
"The Swamp Talker" (in the cave at 65.78)

Jarquia (at around 94.50 or 92.65), he drops Goodsteel's Balanced Flameberge ... for the quest "Ledger from Tanaris"

Fallen Hero of the Horde (34.66) and turn in "The Swamp Talker"
"A Tale of Sorrow" (Just talk to the guy)

"The Brood of Onyxia"
Overdue Package for the quest "Ledger from Tanaris" (at 54.55)
"The Brood of Onyxia" (the eggs can be found at 53.72 and 48.75)
"Cortello's Riddle" ... accept the next part to it.

"The Brood of Onyxia" ... accept "Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk"
"Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk" Then turn it in.
49-49 Feralas
"Improved Quality" "Vengeance on the Northspring" and "Dark Heart" SKIP "The Strength of Corruption"
"Retrun to Witch Doctor Uzer'i" ... SKIP the follow up quests.


"Zapped Giants" (at 44.43)

Do the following quests:
"Improved Quality" (52.32) (while doing this quest you should find an item which starts "Perfect Yeti Hide")
"Vengeance on the Northspring" (40.13)
"Dark Heart" (See Video) (41.09)
"Zapped Giants" (38.18)
"Zapped Giants" is turned in...

"Improved Quality" "Perfect Yeti Hide" "Vengeance on the Northspring" and "Dark Heart" ...
49-50 Tanaris
Hippogryph Egg for "The Super Egg-O-Matic" quest.

"Ledger from Tanaris" and "Into the Field" ... accept and complete "Slake That Thirst" SKIP "Tanaris Field Sampling" ... Accept: "The Thirsty Goblin" "Noxious Lair Investigation" "Super Sticky" "Thistleshrub Valley" and "The Dunemaul Compound"
"The Sunken Temple" (at 52.45) ... accept "The Stone Circle" and "Gahz'ridian"

"The Dunemaul Compound" along with "Gahz'ridian" (done at 46.66 and 40.73, Gor'marok is in the cave at 40.58)
"Noxious Lair Investigation" (34.47)
"Thistleshrub Valley" along with "The Thirsty Goblin" (28.65)
"Tooga's Quest" (escort turtle quest starts in the Thistleshrub Valley, lead Tooga to Torta at 66.25).
"Tooga's Quest" along with "Screecher Spirits"

"The Thirsty Goblin" ... accept "In Good Taste" turn it in ... accept "Sprinkle's Secret Ingredient"
"Thistleshrub Valley" "The Dunemaul Compound" and "Noxious Lair Investigation"
"The Scrimshank Redemption"

"Gahz'ridian" (at 52.45).
"The Scrimshank Redemption" (in the cave at 53.70) The secret for finding the item for this quest is keep making right turns in the cave and it will lead you to it. (See Video)
"Find OOX-17/TN!"
"Find OOX-17/TN!" (at 60.64)
"Rescue OOX-17/TN!"

"The Scrimshank Redemption" ... accept "Insect Part Analysis"
"Insect Part Analysis" ... accept "Insect Part Analysis" again.
"Insect Part Analysis" ... accept "Rise of the Silithid"

Next Page:  Levels 50-60